Understanding a Healthy pH

pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of water-soluble substances (pH stands for Potential of Hydrogen). A pH value is a number from 1 to 14, with 7 as the middle (neutral) point. Values below 7 indicates acidity, decay occurs below pH 5.5
pH 12 | Soapy Water |
pH 11 | Antacids, Dental Treatment Rinses |
pH 10 | Antacids |
pH 9 | Baking Soda |
pH 8 | Sea Water, pH-Neutralizing Dental Rinses |
pH 7 | Pure Water |
pH 6 | Saliva, Cow's Milk |
pH 5 | Black Coffee |
pH 4 | Tomato Juice, Beer |
pH 3 | Orange Juice, Soda, Some Dental Rinses |
pH 2 | Lemon Juice, Vinegar |
pH 1 | Stomach Acid |
pH 0 | Battery Acid |
Click Here to Learn More about the Approximate pH Levels in Food